


/MERN Stack

MERN Stack

Swhizz Technologies

8 modules


Lifetime access

"Master the art of full-stack web development with MERN Stack - unleash the power of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js in one comprehensive course!"


MERN Stack is a comprehensive course that covers the entire technology stack used for building modern web applications. The acronym MERN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and Node.js - four powerful technologies that work together to create dynamic and interactive web applications. In this course, you will first learn about MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database that allows for flexible and scalable data storage. You will understand how to perform CRUD operations, set up databases, and work with collections and documents. Next, you will dive into ExpressJS, a minimalist web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web servers and APIs. You will learn how to handle routing, middleware, error handling, and more using Express. Moving on to ReactJS, you will explore this front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces. You will understand the core concepts of React, such as components, props, state, and lifecycle methods, and build interactive UI components for your web application. Lastly, you will immerse yourself in Node.js, a runtime environment that lets you run JavaScript on the server side. You will learn how to create servers, handle requests, work with modules, and build RESTful APIs using Node.js. Throughout the course, you will work on hands-on projects and assignments that will help you apply the concepts you've learned in real-world scenarios. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to build full-stack web applications using the MERN stack, making you a proficient and sought-after web developer in today's tech industry.

Key Highlights

Build dynamic web applications

Learn the basics of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js

Gain hands-on experience through a real-world project

Understand how to integrate frontend and backend components

Implement CRUD operations and user authentication

Deploy your applications to a cloud server

What you will learn

Learn the fundamentals

Understand the core concepts and technologies behind MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js

Build a real-world project

Apply your knowledge by building a dynamic web application from scratch

Integrate frontend and backend

Discover how to connect the frontend and backend components to create a seamless user experience

Implement CRUD operations

Learn how to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on your application

User authentication

Secure your application by implementing user authentication and authorization functionalities

Deployment to the cloud

Deploy your fully functional MERN stack application to a cloud server for the world to see


Course Demo

1 attachment • 8.9 mins

Introduction to MERN Stack


Module 1: HTML

4 attachments • 1 hrs

Module Introduction (HTML5)


Session 1: Introduciton

Session 2: Basic Tags

Session 3: Advanced Tags

Module 2: CSS

3 attachments • 1 hrs

Module Introduction (CSS3)


Session 4: CSS3 Introduction

Session 5: CSS3 Advanced

Project: Mini Website

2 attachments • 1 hrs

Session 6: HTML & CSS Project Part 1

Session 7: HTML & CSS Project Part 2

Module 3: Java Script

8 attachments • 3 hrs

Module Introduction (JavaScript)


Session 8: Javascript Introduction

Session 9: Fundamentals

Session 10: Loops & Data Structures

Session 11: Functions

Session 12: DOM manipulation with Java Script

Session 13: ES6 Features

Session 14: Advanced Java Script

Module 4: React JS

9 attachments • 4 hrs

Module Introduction (React JS)


Session 15: React JS Introduction

Session 16: Stature and flow of react js

Session 17: Styling with react js

Session 18: State management with react js

Session 19: Functionality with react js

Session 20: Data flow of react js

Session 21: Component structure of react js

Session 22: Redux tool-kit with React JS

Module 5: Node JS & Mongo DB

5 attachments • 2 hrs

Module Introduction (Node JS)


Session 23: Node JS Introduction

Session 24: Node js Asynchrony

Session 25: Development security with node js

Session: 26: Routing with node js

Project: MERN Stack

4 attachments • 2 hrs

Session 27: Project Creation


Session 28: CRUD Api's Creation

Session 29: Component and Pages Creation in React JS

Session 30: Integration with Node JS


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Can I access the course materials on any device?

Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

How can I access the course materials?

Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator

Swhizz Technologies

Stay ahead with our cutting-edge courses. Join Swhizz Technologies to master coding, software development, web design, and data analysis. Gain practical skills and insights into industry trends. All levels welcome.

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